The revolving motion of the chamber and the single bullet mimic the wheel rotation and a ball used in casino roulette. The game’s name is not solely linked to the fact that it was first ‘played’ in Russia. Guards would force convicts to play Russian roulette with one other, and, sadistically, they would place bets on the outcome of such duels. While nobody knows the actual origin of Russian roulette, some say it was first used by callous guards in Russian prisons during the 19 th century. But everyone knows the diciest little wheel of all is the one rotating in the middle of a revolver. Each version has its specific risks and rewards. We’ve all heard of French, European, and American roulettes. Although in Russia, where this extreme form of gambling first emerged, it was seen as a macho way of squaring off with an adversary.
For most of us, this might sound like sheer madness. Imagine loading a gun with a single bullet, spinning the chamber, placing the barrel of that very same gun against your temple, and pulling the trigger.
There isn’t a single game that is more dangerous and deadly to play in the entire history of gambling than Russian Roulette, where the players literally gamble with their lives.